Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The HBT Twister-a-Thon will take place on Friday, September 14th!  It will begin at approximately 1:15 at the flagpole.  All parents are invited to help us celebrate!  (And the extra hands are always helpful too!)  After we sing a few songs with the CHS band, we will walk up to the high school track to begin our walk.  If you have not sent in your child's Twister-a-Thon packet, please send it in by Friday. 

All KED students will attend the Twister-a-Thon.  AM students who are not in KED may attend and join the KED students in the afternoon, but need to have a parent/guardian with them at all times.  Thank you for your support and hope to see you there!

Go Twisters!

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