Friday, September 14, 2012

2-dimensional Shapes

Kindergartners have been working hard on identifying their 2-dimensional shapes.  One of our first quarter goals for students to identify each of the following:  circle, square, rectangle, triangle and hexagon.  Yes...the hexagon...tricky isn't it?  The hexagon (6 sides) is most commonly confused with the octagon (8 sides).  While you are out and about, have your child look for not only this shape, but all shapes Kindergartners are required to know.  Identifying shapes in their environment is a great and interactive way to practice this skill.  Earlier this week, we talked about the characteristics of each of the five shapes and identified how many corners and sides each shape had.  We made the poster below together as a class.
Today, we practiced making each of the shapes using our bodies!



HEXAGON...this was a little bit tricky!

Can't wait for the Twister-a-Thon later on today!

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