Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Week Complete!

What a whirlwind of a first week!  We have been so busy working away in Kindergarten, I haven't had a chance to update until now!  We are working hard on establishing routines and getting used to the Kindergarten day.  Kindergarteners are working on writing their names the "Kindergarten way".  This means that the first letter is an uppercase letter and the rest are lowercase.  Please review this with your child at home!

And for some "others"....

Sight Words:  Our sight words for this week are I and a.  Please have your child cut out these sight word flashcards and use them to practice each night!

Grandparent's Day:  Kindergarten will celebrate Grandparent's Day from 11-11:30 only.  Grandparents are welcome to take home their grandson/daughter at the end of the morning session.  However, if your child is part of our KED program, we ask that your child remains at school until the end of the regular school day.

Twister-a-Thon:  Twister-a-Thon packets were sent home last week.  We will celebrate the Twister-a-Thon on Friday, September 14th.  Parents are welcome to attend!  (More information to follow...)

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