Friday, October 26, 2012

Where's My Mummy?

On Wednesday, we read the book Where's My Mummy? and talked about making connections.

Where's My Mummy? is about a little baby mummy who can't find his big mama mummy.  He goes on a hunt for her and meets all kinds of ghoulish friends along the way.  This story ends with the little baby mummy finding his mummy, who kisses and hugs him because he feels sad.  We talked about how to make connections to text and then wrote about what our "mummies" do when we are sad.  Then, we practiced our fine motor skills by creating mummies out of white strips of construction paper!  It was a blast!

 I learned that lots of our "mummies" give us hugs, kisses and even chocolate milk when we are sad!  Sounds like we have great "mummies" for mommies! 

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