Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Action of Subtraction

Introducing the concept of subtraction is always tricky because it is the opposite of what we have worked so hard, and so long, on...addition.  Over the last few weeks, we have been working to understand that subtraction is when we start with a group of objects and "take away".  We have been practicing by using manipulatives and story problems.  You can help your child understand this concept by using any manipulatives you have around the house, including pennies, cotton balls, or race cars!  Make it fun!  We had fun making up story problems about animals on the farm doing silly things!  (For instance, there were eight pigs on the farm.  Six pigs went rolling in the mud and had to take a bath.  How many were left?)  We read a few different books to help us further understand the concept.

And...another fun video for you too!

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