Friday, February 22, 2013

3-Dimensional Shapes

Kindergarteners have had a great time learning about 3-dimensional shapes recently.  Our goal for the 3rd quarter is to be able to identify the cone, sphere, cylinder and cube.  To help us better understand the differences between the four, we created an anchor chart.  We wrote about what we see when we look at each shape, including what shape the base is, how many sides there are, number of corners, etc.  We also talked about objects in our environment that are these shapes.  I was amazed at some of their responses! 

However, our FAVORITE part was learning a new song called "3D Shapes I Know".  This is highly requested and we LOVE to listen to it!  Check it out below!

Teen Numbers Always Start With a 1!

Those teen numbers are tricky, aren't they?  Some friends in our class commonly transverse their numbers.  For instance, instead of writing "17", they will write "71".  I thought a catchy song might help us remember that teen numbers always start with a 1!  Our goal the third quarter is to be able to write numbers from 0-20.  Keep practicing at home!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Action of Subtraction

Introducing the concept of subtraction is always tricky because it is the opposite of what we have worked so hard, and so long, on...addition.  Over the last few weeks, we have been working to understand that subtraction is when we start with a group of objects and "take away".  We have been practicing by using manipulatives and story problems.  You can help your child understand this concept by using any manipulatives you have around the house, including pennies, cotton balls, or race cars!  Make it fun!  We had fun making up story problems about animals on the farm doing silly things!  (For instance, there were eight pigs on the farm.  Six pigs went rolling in the mud and had to take a bath.  How many were left?)  We read a few different books to help us further understand the concept.

And...another fun video for you too!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What's Happening in Room 207?

Sorry for the hiatus I took from updating our classroom blog.  However, we have been BUSY in this classroom!  We are truly turning into a classroom of readers and writers.  The second semester also poses a shift for us as we begin applying the information we have learned throughout the first half of the year into our independent reading and writing.  I see students making connections each and every day, which is what I LOVE about Kindergarten.  The amount of growth our students show is tremendous and they never cease to amaze me.  Over the last month, we have been working hard on our listening and story comprehension.  We utilize the Turn and Talk method, where I pose a question to students and they will "turn and talk" with their partner and be prepared to share either their answer or their partners.  This is a great way to get all students involved and have them work on listening to a partner's response.  We have also been working on identifying the characters, setting, problems and solutions in a story.  Check out what we did with The Mitten!


Wow! What fun we have been having with Hoot, our KinderOwl! She has been super busy with some friends recently! Each week when the KinderOwl of the week returns Hoot, he/she tells us what they did over the weekend. Read below to see what Wyatt, Ava and Aidan have been up to !

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Birthday!

Last week we celebrated Brooke's birthday! Her mom came to read us a story. She read us two fairy tales and we LOVED them! Happy Birthday Brooke! I hope you had a wonderful day!