Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Gingerbread Man

Before winter break, Kindergarteners focused on comparing and contrasting various Gingerbread Man stories.  We read The Gingerbread Man by Jim Aylesworth, The Gingerbread Boy, The Gingerbread Girl, The Gingerbread Baby and The Gingerbread Man.  We have been working hard on strengthening our story listening and comprehension skills.  Kindergarteners have been practicing their Turn and Talk, which is where students turn to their partner and respond to a question I have posed about a story we have read.  We have also been working on retelling key events in a story, making predictions, and making connections to other Gingerbread stories we have  read.  Our culminating activity was to read The Gingerbread Baby with Mrs. St. John's and Mrs. Schuttrow's Kindergarten students.  We read the story and then made a real gingerbread man of our very own!  Students helped mix the batter and decorate him.  Then, we took him to the kitchen to bake.  We then headed down to the library where Mrs. Sarro read us The Gingerbread Man is Loose in the School.

After the story, we realized that our gingerbread man was done cooking!  We headed to the cafeteria to take him out of the oven and much to our surprise...he was on the loose!  He left a clue for us that led us to the office.  Each time we arrived at a location in the building, a new clue was left for us.  We searched and searched and searched.  Finally, our last clue led us to our classroom, where we realized the Gingerbread Man left us a plate of gingerbread cookies.  We enjoyed eating our cookies and also created a graph showing which part of him we ate first!  This was the BEST DAY EVER according to many Kindergartners!

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