Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hurray! Haden's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Haden!  Haden celebrated his birthday on November 7th.  Mrs. Raders came in to read us The Rainbow Fish.   Haden was also our Kinderowl of the Week last week.  We loved seeing his show and tell, including the magic trick!  Over the weekend, Haden had the opportunity to take Hoot the Owl with him.  Read below to see what his family did!

Friday:  I spent Friday nite with my grandma.  Hoot watched us play with toys.
Saturday:  I had a futbol birthday party with my frinds.  Hoot was happy when I made a tothdown!
Sunday:  Hoot had a fun day with my family.   We played, read boks, watched tv, and went to church.

Sounds like a great weekend Haden!

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