Monday, September 22, 2014

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a great weekend!  I know ours was SUPER busy!  Nonetheless, Kindergartners got right back to work when they returned this morning!  One of our favorite times of day is when we get to work in our centers.  Take a peek at the centers we worked on today!
I-Spy Number Fun!  Students had to "spy" a number using their magnifying glasses and record it on their sheet.  Then, they had to write the next two following numbers.

Weekend writing!  Students had to draw a picture and write about what they did over the weekend.  Students are encouraged to use developmental spelling.

Harvest See Say Color!  Students picked a card from the middle and colored in the beginning sound on their recording sheet.  I'm impressed that most students know most of their letter sounds already!

Fishing for Numbers!  This is an AWESOME game that students LOVE!  They each had to fish for a number and match it to their game board.  They thought using a fishing pole was pretty cool!

Listening Center!  This is a center that was recently introduced and they are loving it!  Each round of centers, a new book is put out and students get to listen to the book on CD.  Soon, they will begin filling out a listening response sheet to their book.

In Math, we continued talking about the number 7.  We worked again on building the number, but today, we took it up a notch!  Each student had to write a short number sentence to go along with it.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Apples, apples and apples!

Kindergarteners are learning all about apples this week!  We began today by reading Apples A to Z by Margaret McNamara.  This was a great ABC book that helped us learn more about apples.  We created a brace map and jotted down some information we learned from the book as well information we already knew!

In Math, we reviewed our numbers 1-5 and played a math bingo game. Students' bingo cards had boxes of objects and when I called a number, they had to use one-to-one correspondence to color the correct box.  The rest of this week we will be working on numbers 6-10.  For the first quarter, Kindergartners are expected to use one-to-one correspondence up to 10 and identify and write numbers 1-10 correctly.  We will also be working on composing and decomposing these numbers, although mastery of this skill is not required until later this year.

Today I also asked each student to count as high as they could.  Our goal for the first quarter is to count to 21. I am so pleased that many students can do thus already!  I often find that 13 and 15 are the tricky numbers and ones most often missed. Pease practice this skill at home daily!  Below is a short video we often watch to help us count. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Whirlwind of a Week!

Wow! This has been a whirlwind of a couple weeks in Kindergarten! I am so excited for you to follow us along and see all the adventures we have in our classroom! We frequently do hands-on activities in the classroom in which students may not tell you about. This is a great way for you to stay connected and talk with your child about what is happening in the classroom! In our centers, we have been working hard on staying on task within our centers and cleaning up when it is time to move to our next center. Soon, I will begin meeting with small groups of students. In these small groups, we will work on letter identification and letter sounds, phonemic awareness skills and for those that are ready, guided reading. Below are a few pictures of what we have been working on in our centers!
Kindergartners worked on stringing the alphabet using letter beads and pipe cleaners. This is a great fine motor task as well!
This was one of our FAVORITE centers of the week! It's called "Pokey Pins". Students use a large push pin to poke holes through numbers. Then, students had to punch the corresponding circles on their ten frame. They thought this was awesome! (It also helped that we worked on holding our push pins with our "owl eye"...more on that later!)
Kindergartners are working hard in the writing center on using their sight words to write sentences. This week, we read the book Superhero ABCs. Students had to draw a picture and write about their favorite superhero! Check out this awesome finger spacing too!
We used play-doh and play-doh mats to recreate numbers and then roll play-doh balls to match the number on our mats. This helped strengthen our one-to-one correspondence skills! Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you enjoyed a sneak peek into our classroom!